Windshield survey of the community assignment directions

You will complete this assignment using the following form:

Overview of Community Assessment and Community Health Nursing Intervention: Community assessment is a systemic way to determine the health status, resources or needs of a population. Community Health Nurses (CHN) assess the community by using the nursing process:

  • Module 1: CH nurses gather subjective data (i.e. windshield survey and interviewing key informants). Based on this portion of the assignment you will analyze your findings and provide a summary of the key community health issues for your community.

APA focus for this paper: in-text citation of personal commutation, objective writing (avoid biased language), formal writing (avoid use of contractions, numbers, etc) and sentence structure, grammar and flow. Refer to the APA on-line tutorial (Links to an external site.), as needed.

See the Rubric in the Assignment Submission area to view grading criteria.

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