Week 3 project | Biology homework help


Professional Practice Paper

Based on the AP role of the person that you interviewed in W1 Project, in a 2-4 page paper (excluding the title page, references, and appendices) describe the role, the type of organization, and address all the interview questions, and include:

  • List the type of organization. For example: Primary care office, ED, Specialty, cardiology GI etc.
  • List the type of and how many clients it serves. FP would see all ages. Research in your area the number of visits in a local office per year or # of visits seen local ED, specialty office etc. 
  • The professional fit for advanced nursing role. “Fit” refers to the Qualifications in order to be an AP provider at that agency/organization. What license, credentialing (accrediting agency, and other expectations NPI, CMS)?
  • What are the core competencies required in this role?
  • Include a brief job description
  • Discuss board of nursing NPA or scope of practice of the state. Include what the NPA in the state allows and restrictions.
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