Week 2 assignment characteristics | ESE 601 Students with Exceptionalities in the School Setting | Ashford University


In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the learning objective: Identify the characteristics and learning differences of students with mild to moderate disabilities based on the IDEA.  Additionally, completion of this assignment represents an introduction to Course Learning Outcome 2 and MASE Program Learning Outcomes 1 and 2.

Researchers have identified multiple potential causes as well as suggested interventions for children who have been identified as having mild to moderate learning disabilities.  These strategies may include environmental, instructional, behavioral, and/or psychological approaches within the classroom or school setting.  This information can be instrumental in the decision-making process, specifically for the IEP team, when developing a student’s individualized goals and services.  Using research-based interventions along with the student’s present levels of performance, background and cultural influences, for the purpose of developing an individualized plan are the recommended procedure for supporting a student’s needs.

Assessments are one important measure of a child’s level of functioning.  They can measure a variety of areas including academic performance, processing abilities, language comprehension and usage as well as many others.  There are many types of informal and formal assessments that contribute to the overall picture of a student’s abilities and which help to determine the gaps that need remediation.  Whether conducted by a teacher or school psychologist, a report is written to explain the findings, which include current levels of functioning, strengths, and weaknesses.

After reviewing Henry’s assessment report, you will contribute to his case study by completing the “Background” section. See attachment for full work

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