Week 1 | English homework help

1st Assignment

Read the active reading strategies described in Chapter 2 of Essentials of College Writing.


Discuss how the SQ3R reading strategy is similar to and/or different from the way you read course material previously. Explain how using SQ3R improved your comprehension of the course materials.

  • Be sure to use specific examples. You can also explore how you might apply this strategy in your everyday life.
  • How might SQ3R affect the way you read the newspaper or online articles, for example?
  • If using the strategy did not improve your comprehension of the course materials, explain why.
  • Ask a question you have about this week’s assigned reading.

Your initial post must be 200 to 300 words in length






2nd Assignment

Prepare: As you prepare to write your second discussion for this week, take a few moments to do the following:

  • Read the Final Essay assignment instructions in Week Five (your draft is due in Week Three, and the Final Essay is due in Week Five).
  • Review the Instructor Guidance for this week.
  • Read Chapter 4 of Essentials of College Writing, paying close attention to the techniques for generating ideas.



Reflect: Take time to reflect on the techniques for generating ideas discussed in Chapter 4.

  • Think about which techniques might be more helpful for you when choosing topics.
  • Start brainstorming three to five ideas for your personal essay.



Write: In your initial post:

  • Provide your three to five ideas (in list format) for your Final Essay.
  • Write a paragraph explaining how you used the techniques in Chapter 4 to come up with those ideas.
  • Share what you think the key elements of a narrative are (i.e., what makes a good story work).

Your initial post must be 200 to 300 words in length

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