Week 1-3 and journal 1-3

“Corporate Responsibility” Please respond to the following:

  • From the case study and the e-Activity, determine two (2) key reasons why people value the customer service that Nordstrom provides. Examine Nordstrom’s current corporate social responsibility activities, and suggest one (1) additional action that the company could take to further strengthen its corporate social responsibility efforts.
  • From the scenario, suggest two (2) reasons why you believe it is important for Walters Aeroworks to take its corporate community into consideration when addressing social responsibility. Assess the value of a reputable corporate image when considering expanding the company’s current operations. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Journal Entry 1: Prepare a one to two (1-2) paragraph journal entry that examines your learning experiences with ORION in Week 1 of this course, that addresses the following:
    1. Determine the primary manner in which ORION has increased your business knowledge in the related subject area.
    2. Discuss specific challenges that you may have experienced with any of the subject matter presented, and point out the areas for which you would like more information.
    3. Suggest at least two (2) possible applications of this week’s material to the company that you currently work for or hope to work for in the future.

“Dealing with the Global Workforce” Please respond to the following:


  • From the scenario, assess the importance of developing and adhering to a strategic plan when a company attempts to expand beyond its domestic business operations. Suggest two (2) best practices that a company should follow when attempting to complete such an expansion. Justify your response.
  • From the “Business Etiquette: Dealing with the Global Workforce” reading in Chapter 3 of the text, determine two (2) reasons why using the identified tips are important when you are using virtual team members for your organization. Provide at least two (2) examples of where these recommendations would be effective for a company that operates internationally.
  • Journal Entry 2: Prepare a one to two (1-2) paragraph journal entry that examines your learning experiences with ORION in Week 2 of this course, that addresses the following:


    1. Determine the primary manner in which ORION has increased your business knowledge in the related subject area.
    2. Discuss specific challenges that you may have experienced with any of the subject matter presented, and point out the areas for which you would like more information.
    3. Suggest at least two (2) possible applications of this week’s material to the company that you currently work for or hope to work for in the future

“Successful Entrepreneurship” Please respond to the following:


  • From the scenario, evaluate the importance of a business plan that is both well-written and based on desired outcomes. Suggest two (2) ways in which a well-written business plan could assist a business owner like Cliff Walters in continuing with his vision for Walters Aeroworks.
  • From the case study, evaluate the effectiveness of Lee Rhodes’ business decisions based on the manner in which such decisions have impacted the success of her business from an entrepreneurial point of view. Recommend two (2) additional strategies that Rhodes could utilize to increase her chances of continued success. Justify your response.

Journal Entry 3: Prepare a one to two (1-2) paragraph journal entry that examines your learning experiences with ORION in Week 3 of this course, that addresses the following:


    1. Determine the primary manner in which ORION has increased your business knowledge in the related subject area.
    2. Discuss specific challenges that you may have experienced with any of the subject matter presented, and point out the areas for which you would like more information.
    3. Suggest at least two (2) possible applications of this week’s material to the company that you currently work for or hope to work for in the future.


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