Web application security | Computer Science homework help

Topic: Web Application Security.

Needed 6-7 pages on : Results/Findings/Discussion/Conclusion of the research. 



Your research results/findings paper must include:

  • Include the results of your study
  • Include figures and tables along showing visual comparisons
  • Include narrative text (not bullet points) describing the comparisons


  • Write a research discussion paper for your research.

Discussion paper must include:

  • A discussion and evaluation of the conflicting results
  • A discussion of the unexpected findings
  • A discussion on how the findings answer your research questions, address the hypotheses or propositions
  • An explanation of the implication of your findings (why they are important and how they affect our understanding of the research problem).


Conclusion paper must include:

  • A summarization of the entire research project
    • What you set out to do (purpose)
    • What you did (methods)
    • What you found (results)
  • A a critical evaluation of the research project, future research suggestions, and recommendations.

The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain scholarly references. 

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