Training proposal | Human Resource Management homework help

You have recently been appointed as the training manager for the southeastern division of a major supermarket chain in the U.S. Your territory includes fifteen retail stores and your responsibility involves working directly with store managers and other stakeholders to develop training solutions to meet the specific needs of the employees in the various stores. This includes, but is not limited to, performing needs assessments, determining appropriate instructional design and training delivery methods, and implementing and evaluating training initiatives.

Three of the stores in your territory have missed their sales goals for the last two quarters. All three stores have received low customer-satisfaction scores and are experiencing increased employee turnover rates. The high employee turnover has resulted in the store managers hiring many new and relatively inexperienced sales associates, which further contributes to the problem.

The senior management team of this major supermarket chain believes that training and development may help alleviate these problems. You have been asked to assess the training needs and develop a proposal to address the situation in the three stores.

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