Tax research memo | Accounting homework help

You have been engaged by your client to research the proper way to account for some intangible assets the company acquired in May 2018.  The client feels comfortable with their analysis of the GAAP treatment of the intangible asset purchase but needs your help identifying the proper income tax treatment.

The details can be found in the following document:

AC312 Research Memo 1.docxPreview the document

As you work on developing a memo that addresses the client’s issue(s) in a succinct, yet thorough, manner, please use this document as a guide for how to properly construct a professional tax research memo:

Research memo tips.docxPreview the document

Your senior tax manager has provided you with the following authoritative guidance that you’ll need in order to properly address the client’s request.

IRC Section 197 – Amortization of goodwill and certain other intangibles.pdfPreview the document

Treasury Regulation 1.197-2 – Amortization of goodwill and certain other intangibles.pdfPreview the document

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