Talking video | English homework help

In this assignment, you will review Everyday Conversations from DeVito 6.3, with particular attention to Guidelines for Making Small Talk. You will locate videos on YouTube that demonstrate good and bad examples of people engaging in conversation. Then, you will outline instructions on how to make small talk, make an apology, and give and receive a compliment. You will use the Discussion Board tool so that you can see links from other students. 


  • Explore and practice the principles of conversation.
  • Analyze guidelines for making small talk and other aspects of everyday conversation.


  1. Review Everyday Conversations from DeVito 6.3, with particular attention to Guidelines for Making Small Talk.
  2. Locate video on YouTube from popular TV shows or movies that demonstrate a good and bad example of each of the following:
    • making small talk
    • making an apology
    • giving and receiving a compliment
  3. Copy and paste the share link into your response.
  4. Include the start /stop time the viewer should watching, if not the entire video.
  5. Integrating DeVito citations, outline a set of specific instructions on how to make small talk, make an apology, and give and receive a compliment. Each instruction should be 7 to 10 sentences.
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