Stratification | Social Science homework help

Select a television program that you know contains a social inequality or social class theme (e.g. racism, sexism, social class categories). 

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the program in which you complete the following:


  • Provide a brief introduction that includes the program’s title, describes the type of program, and explains which social inequality you are addressing.
  • Describe and explain scenes that apply to the social inequality
  • Descbie the social inequality that happens, including the language used.
  • Aside from verbal language, identify all observed body language, facial expressions, gestures, posture stances, modes of dress, nonverbal cues, symbols, and any other means by which inequalities are displayed.
  • Explain your interpretation of the meanings of the identified verbal and nonverbal communications and symbols of inequality.
  • Summarize how these interpretations are important to the sociological understanding of your chosen social inequality or social class theme.
  • Provide a conclusion that summarizes the key points in your analysis.

Format your analysis paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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