Socw 6443 project: final paper proposal: questions and controversies | SOCW 6443 – Psychopharmacology and Biopsychosocial Considerations | Walden University


Socw 6443 Project: Final Paper proposal: Questions and Controversies in Clinical Psychopharmacology

In this Final Paper Proposal, you to submit your proposal to your Instructor for feedback and approval of your final paper topic.

During Week 4, your Instructor will provide feedback and explain any necessary modifications of your Final Paper proposal. Once your Instructor approves your Final Paper Proposal, you should begin working on your Final Paper. The Final Paper should address a current question or controversy in clinical psychopharmacology.

Possible topics for the Final Paper include: I would like my paper on childhood depression and medication

Something that is currently occurring in your community

Something that is currently occurring in a given population

A problem identified in the media

A controversy discussed in scholarly journals

A controversy about a specific diagnosis

By Day 7

Your Final Paper Proposal should include the following components:

Identifying information:

Title: Short and descriptive

Student name

Name of department/program and university


Purpose of the paper/background in this section:

Identify the purpose of the paper (e.g., “My paper will exam the controversy related to prescribing ADHD medications to children.”).

Explain why you are researching this topic (e.g., why this question or controversy is important and how it relates to your profession).

Explain what you intend to learn about the topic.

Submit your Final Paper Proposal

Apa format 7th addition full references

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