Socw 6121 wk7 assgn 1 | SOCW 6121 – Advanced Clinical Social Work Practice II | Walden University

Assignment 1: Planning a Group

When a client is dealing with several problems at one time, it can be difficult to determine which type of treatment group would be most beneficial. Some types of treatment groups may overlap in addressing certain problems or issues. The literature is helpful in assisting the clinical social worker in determining the type, purpose, and goals of the treatment group.

For this Assignment, review the “Petrakis Family” case history and video session.

In 3- to 4-pages, describe a treatment group that would help Helen Petrakis in one of the following areas: (a) caregiving, (b) sandwich generation, (c) serving as a family member of an individual with addiction.

  • Review and briefly summarize the literature about the social issue that is the focus of your group (caregiving, sandwich generation, or addictions).
  • Write a plan that includes the following elements:
    • Type of treatment group
    • Purpose of the group
    • Membership
    • Method to recruit
    • Composition
    • Size
    • Open/closed
    • Monitoring
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