Short paper- prepare a written plan and identify the means of

 Prompt: Building on the discussion in this module, consider the following:  What tools/techniques were used in your design, such as quality function deployment, value stream mapping, and JIT? What technologies were used to support your design, such as concurrent engineering, computer-aided design, or value analysis?  Describe how you incorporated the concepts of lean operations and lean services in your design.  Identify the considerations needed for the sustainability of your production line and what specific efforts can minimize waste; consider end-of-life programs and the three R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle). Consider the phases of product design in your paper.  As it applies to your business opportunity, consider the legal, cultural, global, and human involvement needed in your design as outlined in Chapter 4. Note: It is not intended that you include the actual design of the product/service, but this paper needs to describe how you intend to create this design considering the topics in Chapter 4 and incorporate lean operations into your design. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:  Identify the tools, techniques, and technologies used in the design of your production plan.  Explain how you will integrate lean operations and lean services in your production plan.  Discuss your considerations for sustainability to eliminate waste in each phase of your production plan.  Discuss the legal, cultural, global, and human involvement needed to implement your production plan. Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: It is submitted as a Word document, 1 to 2 pages (not including title and reference pages), double-s 

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