Rethinking assumptions about group therapy

At this stage of the course, you should have a better understanding of how group therapy works, why it works, and what makes for an effective therapy group. To be an effective group therapy leader, you need to understand the complexities of group therapy and have the vision to see how you want your group to progress. As the therapy group’s leader, it is important to be present in your group, but also to be one step ahead.

For this Assignment, review this week’s media titled “Understanding Group Psychotherapy – Outpatients (parts 1 and 2).”  Consider how the video confirms or disconfirms your assumptions. In addition, think about how you might modify your assumptions based on what you saw in the video. Finally, consider what insights you had or conclusions you drew about group therapy.


  • Based upon the film, create a descriptive narrative explaining how the video confirms or disconfirms your assumptions about group therapy
  • Explain any changes you might make to your assumptions about group therapy based on the video
  • Explain any insights you had or conclusions you drew based on your review of the video


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