Report on your activities in the past month in your studies at seu
To assess your ability to apply knowledge from the course to simulated real world situations.
Action Items
• Report on your activities in the past month in your studies at SEU.
• Use the memo format, organize your document with a:
o Clear overview
o Followed by specific details of your activities
o And your self-evaluation of those activities
Submission Instructions
Complete and submit this assignment per your professor’s instructions.
Grading Criteria
• Memo should include the following requirements: 0 – 5 points
o Memo addresses each of the three topics listed above
o Memo conforms to an appropriate format
o Memo conforms to academic standards of English grammar and spelling
My activities:
For computer programming course:
4 labs in java coding
1 Assignment
– i did an assignment and it wasn’t easy
– i tried my best to understand java by watching youtube videos about it to be able to code
Computer organization course:
1 discussion board
1 quiz
Discrete mathematics
2 assignments
i find this subject difficult but I am an autonomous learner. I’ll try until I figure it out
Technical writing course:
1 discussion board
1 assignment
Activities are done in the university:
I changed my name in the university because the university wrote my name in the wrong way
For the evaluation:
we were late to do the evaluation due to COVID-19 I could not enter the university campus