Report: e-commerce business strategy | Master of information systems

I want this assignment before 28th of this month and It should be free from plagiarism and i want this assignment to be on time. You must use at least ten (10) academically sound sources other than the textbook in

completing this report.

Assignment 2 requires you to plan and develop an e-commerce business strategy report

including building a prototype website using Joomla! based on the online business category

assigned to you. Your online business category will be emailed to you separately.

You will be required to develop your prototype website using the Joomla! content

management system in Details about setting up your website at is provided in Joomla Workshop 1 (Joomla Workshop 1 PDF is available

on your Study Desk under Module 1 in Week 1).

Your business model and prototype website must be related to the online business category

assigned to you. Failure to do so will result in your assignments being rejected and no

marks will be allocated.

References are required and the Harvard AGPS standard of referencing must be used

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