Reflections | ORGCB/535 | University of Phoenix


Competency 1 Reflection: Examine principles related to human resource management.

This reflection activity is comprised of two sections collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflections by responding to all prompts. 

HRM Competencies

Select 3 of the 9 HRM competencies, and apply them to a business or organization you know.

Describe the business or organization that outlines the market it’s in, as well as its size and mission.  

Explain how this business or organization executes the 3 competencies you chose. Provide enough details for someone outside the company to understand your analysis. 

Compensation Approach

Imagine that the HR department of your chosen organization from above is going to design a compensation approach for the job that is aligned with reinforcement, expectancy, and agency theories. Briefly describe the job, then describe a compensation approach for that job that aligns with all 3 theories. 

Consider the following questions when writing your response:

  • What are the potential advantages of this plan?   
  • What are the potential negatives of this plan?  
  • What might be difficult in administering this plan?  

Submit your reflection.

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