Read or view the case study prince sports, inc.. answer the following

Read or view the case study “Prince Sports, Inc.” from Chapter 9, pages 239–241. Answer the following questions (located at the end of the case study) using the attached case study template.

  1. In the twenty-first century, what trends in the environmental forces (social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory) (a) work for and (b) work against Prince Sports in the tennis industry?
  2. Because sales of Prince Sports in tennis-related products depend heavily on the growth of the tennis industry, what marketing activities might the company use in the United States to promote tennis playing?
  3. What promotional activities might Prince use to reach (a) recreational players and (b) junior players?
  4. What might Prince do to help it gain distribution and sales in (a) mass merchandisers like Target and Walmart and (b) specialty tennis shops?
  5. In reaching global markets outside of the United States, (a) what are some criteria that Prince should use to select countries in which to market aggressively, (b) what three or four countries meet these criteria best, and (c) what are some of the marketing actions Prince might use to reach these markets?
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