Quantitative reasoning ii project – math/216 | MTH/216 | University of Phoenix


In this stage you will do statistical reasoning and mathematical modeling to show central tendency and two variable analyses, including regression with equation and R squared value from the data set you chose in Week 2. The purpose of this assignment is to have you practice creating visuals using your own data. This shows you how you will be working with data in your own careers.

The purpose of this assignment is to gain experience creating visuals using the data for the topic you selected in Week 2. Use statistical reasoning and mathematical modeling to show central tendency and two-variable analyses, including regression with equation and R2 value. 

Create at least three visuals.

  • One visual must be a scatter plot with trend line, equation, R2 value, and prediction value.
  • Two of the remaining required visuals can be of the following format: histogram, box and whisker plot, or pie chart.
  • Please note that the data set that you chose in Week 2 includes data that will not be needed to create your visuals. Quantitative reasoning requires critical thinking to decide what data is necessary.  

Create a Microsoft® Word document that includes your three visuals and the following items:

  • Title of your project and the scenario you are addressing
  • Brief description of each visual (15 to 50 words)
  • Consider including the following for each visual when applicable:
    • A chart title that is appropriate for the data
    • A descriptive x-axis label
    • A descriptive y-axis label
  • For your xy scatter plot, make at least one prediction using the trend line equation for a date in the future. How confident are you in this prediction? State your prediction and provide justification (50 to 150 words). 
  • If you created a box and whisker plot, describe the central tendency of the values. What does this tell you about the data and about your project?
  • Calculate the mean of the sample data. 
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