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Unit 8 Discussion

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Respond to the Discussion topic below. Your original response should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the assigned Readings for the week. Remember, this is your chance to illustrate not only your understanding, but also your mastery of the materials for the unit. Use your words wisely so the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Limit the use of direct quotes, and do your best to critically evaluate and synthesize the literature in your own words wherever possible. Make sure to include in-text citations and a reference list as appropriate.

Discussion Topic

Adults in their middle years of development often have cultivated a comprehensive understanding of self related to their societal and cultural settings (e.g., family, work, and culture). This mature view of self includes an understanding of strengths, abilities, skills, and interests that help them to cope with their many responsibilities. Because of this, many report interest in guiding members of the younger generation to help them to gain a better understand of themselves. This is a key goal of adults in this developmental period.

  1. Discuss how Erikson’s stage of psychosocial development of generativity versus stagnation motivates the decisions made by adults during middle adulthood.
  2. How do roles like kinkeeper or parental caretaker affect adults’ self-care (e.g., physical, social, and psychological)?
  3. Propose strategies for helping clients who are members of the sandwich generation to protect them from physical and psychological problems because of increased responsibilities.

Next, read “Development in Midlife” fromAnnual Review of Psychology.

  1. Our Reading refers to midlife crisis as a myth rather than a standard for adults in their middle adult years. Evaluate the reasons for the author’s position that the midlife crisis is not a common experience.
  2. Select one of the issues described in the article and develop a scenario exemplifying this issue. Include the age and sex of the fictitious client, the issue, and how this might affect him/her. Then, choose at least two of your classmates’ scenarios. Develop plans for assisting the clients in your classmates’ scenarios. Pretend that you are working with the client that your classmate created.
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