Pseudocode | Computer Science homework help


Write the pseudocode using modules and show how your module will be called for the following example:

BMI is often used to determine whether a person is overweight or underweight based on height and weight. The calculation uses the following formula:

BMI = Weight x 703/Height2

Design a program that calculates and displays a person’s body mass index (BMI).

Your 3-4 page document must include:

  • Pseudo code for the entire program.
  • Internal documentation, using block and/or line comments.
  • You must declare all variables before using them in your pseudo code. Don’t forget that variables are just names. You need to assign values to variables. For example:
    Set price = 20
    Set dollars = 2.75
  • Your pseudo code must illustrate all calculations and modules called.


Create a flowchart showing how your module will be called for the BMI example from your Module 03 lab:

BMI is often used to determine whether a person is overweight or underweight based on height and weight. The calculation uses the following formula:

BMI = Weight x 703/Height2

Design a program that calculates and displays a person’s body mass index (BMI)

Your submission must include:

  • You may use Microsoft Visio or to create your flowchart and export the drawing as a JPG. Paste your image in your Word document with your pseudo code. Use File >> Export As >> Image.
  • Your flowchart must depict each step in the program, as well as the module.
  • Your flowchart must use 3 types of symbols: ovals (start and end terminal symbols), parallelograms (input and output symbols), and rectangles (processing symbols).
  • All symbols must be connected by arrows that represent the flow of the program. The flow must make logical sense.
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