Psc101 reaction paper | Political Science homework help

Reaction Paper II (PART II): Ginsberg, chapters 4, 5, 6,7 & Bowers chapters 3, 4.

1.   Ginsberg, Lowi, and Weir, We the People (full 12th Edition Essential) 

This text is available at the UNLV bookstore or may be purchased as an e-book at the W.W. Norton website.

2.   Bowers, Michael, The Sagebrush State:  Nevada’s History, Government, and Politics 5th edition

Reaction paper 

In the response paper, you are required to present four pages assessments of the authors’ explanations of the key issues in the topics covered. This paper should be divided into two parts. The first two pages should cover “We the People” and the last two pages should be dedicated to “The Sagebrush State:  Nevada’s History, Government, and Politics”. For each of the two sections, you should present the authors’ views in the first page and present your own argument in support or against the authors’ view in the second page. Please be informed that a mere summary of the chapters will not be sufficient. 

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