Project risk | Management homework help

Overview: This milestone will help you complete the project risks section of Final Project II.

Prompt: You will use the scenario and risk matrix documents as you complete this assignment. Be sure to complete Figure 1 (Risk Matrix) and Table 3 (Risk ID, Quantification, and Mitigation) in the risk matrix document.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

III. Project Risks

A. Complete a risk assessment using the templates in the risk matrix document: Figure 1 (Risk Matrix) and Table 3 (Risk ID, Quantification, and Mitigation). For each identified risk, choose the appropriate location on the risk matrix (i.e., occurrence vs. impact) to quantify and manage the risk to ensure future project success. Defend your selections with specific evidence. Remember to submit the completed Figure 1 matrix as part of your response.

B. Using your risk assessment, propose specific risk mitigation strategies for each identified risk. Defend each recommendation by citing specific principles discussed in the course. Remember to submit the completed Table 3 as part of your response.

Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be 2 pages including the 2 templates, double spaced, with 12-pt. Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations cited in APA forma

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