Project outline | Education homework help

 This assignment will provide an outline for your risk analysis final project. Please see the Good Example that is attached. 

 Please  provide a minimum of three (3) references for the outline, and a minimum  of one (1) paragraph for each of the following headings below: At least three headings should be able to go on one page


  1. Overview of the Facility  (hypothetical APUS arena)
  2. Risk Reduction Matrix
  3. Risk Solution Matrix
  4. Identify  Ten (10) Specific Risks (Any facility will have hundreds of risks  associated with it. You are only required to address ten.)
  5. Indicate Indemnification
  6. Waivers
  7. Narrative Regarding Risk Reduction Procedures
  8. Personnel Management
  9. Emergency Procedures
  10. ADA Compliance
  11. Crowd Management Plan
  12. Conclusion/Summary
  13. References
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