Problem a firm is evaluating an accounts receivable change that would


Accounts receivable changes with bad debts. A firm is evaluating an accounts        receivable change that would increase bad debts from 2% to 4% of sales. Sales                               are currently 50,000 units, the selling price is $20 per unit, and the variable cost                              per unit is $15. As a result of the proposed change, sales are forecast to increase                                    to 60,000 units.                                                          

a. What are bad debts in dollars currently and under the proposed change?

b. Calculate the cost of the marginal bad debts to the firm.

c. Ignoring the additional profit contribution from increased sales, if the proposed change saves $3,500 and causes no change in the average investment in accounts receivable, would you recommend it? Explain.   

d. Considering all changes in costs and benefits, would you recommend the proposed change? Explain.

e. Compare and discuss your answers in parts c and d.                                 





Cost of bank loan Data Back-Up Systems has obtained a $10,000, 90-day bank loan at an annual interest rate of 15%, payable at maturity. (Note: Assume a 365-day year.) a) How much interest (in dollars) will the firm pay on the 90-day loan? b) Find the effective 90-day rate on the loan. c) Annualize your result in part b to find the effective annual rate for this loan, assuming that it is rolled over every 90 days throughout the year under the same terms and circumstances.



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