Prm 300 week 2 learning activity | PRM 300 Introduction to Project Management | Ashford University


n Week 1, you conceptualized a project to work through (on paper) during this course. Now it is time to add more details by expanding and defining the scope of the project you chose earlier.

Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, review the Weekly Lecture and the assigned page ranges in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 in your textbook. This week’s lecture will provide examples and additional information on this learning activity.

Working through this assignment will give you a glimpse of the initial planning stage of project management. At the beginning of the planning stage, the project manager defines the project scope statement and starts defining key details of the project. In this case, you, as a project manager, will present this information to the project sponsor. This week you will be completing a project scope for your chosen project and present it to the class where your classmates will act as the project sponsor and review your work.

Guided Response: In this learning activity, you will act as an executive, the project sponsor, and/or the project team and review your classmates’ work. Review at least two of your peers’ project scopes in their entirety and provide feedback. Are the proposed projects and their parts clear and easy to understand? Do they pass the “airport test” discussed in the Week 1 lecture? What can be done to make them clearer? What tips do you have to add to the proposal? What have you learned here that you can use to improve on your own project scope template? Your replies should be at least 100 words and add to the class’s body of knowledge. Initial replies need to be made early in the course week to provide suggestions feedback to other students in a timely manner. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. on Day 7, and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post.

So the files below is the template of how its suppose to be for this assignment . The screenshot is what you are using to complete this assignment I already gave you the needed tools to complete it.

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