Powershell scripting | Computer Science homework help

As a member of the software development team at your company, you have been asked to provide a plan for how your new GPS goods and services locator software application can provide automatic updates of the required data to your customers. Your task is to develop a plan, and submit it to your development team for implementation.

  • Prepare a document to submit your work:
    • Use Word.
    • Title page
      • Course number and name
      • Project name
      • Student name
      • Date
    • Provide a plan for the software updates:
      • Identify the major steps involved in the data file update process, and identify which of the steps can be performed using scripting.
      • Select an appropriate scripting language for the tasks that can be performed using scripting, and justify your selection.
      • Provide well-documented script code in the selected language for at least 2 of the functions that would be used within the major scripting tasks. For example, the scripted solution may be required to receive a query from a remote computer with a date of the remote computer’s data file, and the script must receive this request and determine if the remote computer’s data file is current.
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