Paper: mahindra and mahindra (b): an emerging global giant


• The paper should be 7 pages minimum of content.

• You must include a Reference page in APA format along with in text citations throughout the paper.

• Minimum of 6 referred or peer-reviewed journals must be used in your references list.  You can find these through the online library.  

• Margins should be 1 inch and font should be size 12; either Times New Roman or Arial. 


Guidelines for the Paper Overview

You have acquired a vast knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and cross-cultural management. You will apply your learning by analyzing Case number 11 (page IC3), “Mahindra and Mahindra (B): An Emerging Global Giant?”.

You will read the case and answer the questions on page IC12. The end product is a paper that includes a comprehensive analysis of the organization and includes the concepts that you have learned from the text and outside resources. You must include citations in text and a reference page (APA format).


Requirements for the Paper

Address the questions (page IC12).

You will also integrate the questions (Goals) throughout as part of your analysis. In addition, be sure to address the following

• Provide a cultural profile of the company and it’s historical background

• Discuss the communication issues as they move into emerging markets such as the United States

• Discuss the staffing policies and HR challenges that will be used

• Discuss leadership and motivation.

• Explain issues of concern that should be addressed

• Describe the organizational structure and changes necessary to facilitate expansion



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