Pace 111b interview | Business & Finance homework help

Prepare for your interview well in advance. In Part 2 of this activity, you will prepare for and conduct your informational interview by completing the following tasks: 

  • Interview about the business administration field
  • An interview in real time is preferable, but if you and your subject are unable to arrange that, you can use email.
  • Draft your interview questions. See below for guidance.
  • Conduct the interview.

Here are some questions you might consider: 

  • What sparked your interest in this career field? 
  • What does a typical day entail in your line of work? 
  • What do you like most about your career field? 
  • What are some challenges you face in this career choice? 
  • How do you handle your work-life balance? 
  • What suggestions do you have for someone who is interested in this field? 
  • Who else do you recommend I talk to? 

Part 3 (due by the end of Week 7)

After your interview, summarize your notes in two or three paragraphs. Include the name of the interviewee, a short biography describing his or her professional background and experiences, and a brief synopsis of your interview details/highlights. Be sure to include a list of the questions that you asked. 

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