Operation and logistic management (supply chain of company- 4000

 Topic: Analyse the supply chain of a business and identify the core competencies required to be successful in today’s turbulent business environment. (4000 words)O

The question should consider the following:

• Issues in application of forecasting and planning 

• Analysis of existing Logistics and Distribution strategies

• Operational KPI’s required to manage business

Recommended novel and future strategies that could potentially provide the business with a sustained competitive  advantage

Should include following

1.  Detailed analysis of inputs and Outputs of an organisation using a supply chain SC  (20 marks)

2.  Accurate arguments ON how SC planning & forecasting enables effective operations management (20 marks)

3.  Detailed analysis on their approach to logistics and strong argument (20 marks)

4.  Detailed analysis of how a technology can be used to improve performance of an operation  (20 marks)

5.  Detailed research and Accurate referencing  (20 marks)

Please refer to the module handbook attached for detailed information.

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