Module 04 course project – annotated bibliography


Module 04 Content

  1. Use the attached template:  

    Module 4 Course Project_NUR 2214.docx

    Follow instructions/rubric closely

    Course Competency:

    • Compare the care models for nursing practice specific to the older adult.

Transferable Skill:

  • Information Literacy: Discovering information reflectively, understanding how information is produced and valued, and using the information to create new knowledge and participate ethically in communities of learning.

Your nursing supervisor likes the topic you chose for the in-service presentation and wants you to start researching! To make sure you get the project on the right track, your supervisor has asked you to do the following:

  1. Using the Rasmussen Library, identify at least 2 resources pertaining to your topic.
  2. Prepare an annotated bibliography for the resources you identified. Each entry will include:
  3. the full APA formatted reference
  4. an annotation consisting of the following elements:
  • 2 to 4 sentences to summarize the main idea(s) of the source
  • 1 or 2 sentences to assess and evaluate the source
  • 1 or 2 sentences to reflect on the source

For information about making a research appointment with a Rasmussen librarian, evaluating the credibility of a source, or creating an annotated bibliography, consult the resources below.

Once you receive your graded submission, be sure to review the supervisor’s feedback. You want to make sure that your next submission shows that you made appropriate improvements based on the feedback.


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