Module 03 written assignment – course project: comparing compliance

  In 4-page paper describe the policies for each of the two compliance plans.

1. Clinical staff members are not washing their hands between patients. 

2. Employee attacks patients while under the influences of narcotics.

* Break each policy section into 2 pages each.

* Remember to support your policies for the two plans with a total of three research sources, cited at the end in APA format. (That’s 1-2 research sources per plan).

· Then, summarize your plan in a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation.

· Polices you should consider covering for each plan come under the key compliance elements: 

* Compliance Standards

* High-Level (personal) Responsibility


* Communication

* Monitoring/Auditing (for Safety)

* Enforcement/Discipline

* Response/Prevention

Look these over in your research, and then select just two of these key elements and write your policies under them for each of your two compliance plans. (Your policies for each plan can zero in on different key elements.)



  • A compliance plan about washing hands between  patients might describe policies for High Level (personal)        Responsibility and Monitoring/Auditing (for Safety)


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