Mobilogics inc. | Marketing homework help


This case involves you, as a salesperson representing MobiLogics (a leading provider of large-scale, multi location technology hardware and software solutions), and Gage Waits, Director of IT for HSK, PC (a prominent Dallas-based national law firm specializing in corporate litigation). HSK is in the planning stages for a move to larger facilities across town. As part of the move, HSK wants to completely update their technology across the new offices, conference rooms, teamwork areas, and mobile platforms. MobiLogics has established itself as a major competitor in the technology marketplace specializing in value-added systems solutions for business and government entities nationwide. This
past year, Houston-based MobiLogics has added sales and distribution centers in Dallas and San Antonio, Texas. 


As an integral part of their move to new and larger
facilities, HSK want to replace their computers, telecom,
and information technology systems including laptop/ desktop/mobile combinations for each of their 21 attorneys, desktop systems for their 10 staff members, along with archive and e-mail servers. MobiLogics specializes in this type of systems selling and uses their network of hardware and software providers in combination with their own in-house engineering, programming, and systems group
to consistently provide higher-value solutions than the competition. 

In preparation for an initial meeting with Gage Waits, Director of IT for HSK, you—as the MobiLogics sales representative—are outlining your information needs and 

developing a draft set of needs discovery questions. These needs discovery questions will be the focus of the meeting with Gage Waits and enable MobiLogics to better identify and confirm HSK’s actual needs, desires, and expectations in relation to new and expanded computer and information technology capabilities. 


1. What information do you—the MobiLogics salesperson—need in order to fully understand the technology needs of HSK? 

2. Following the ADAPT methodology for needs discovery questioning, develop a series of salesperson questions and anticipated buyer responses that might apply to this selling situation. 

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