(long-term english language learners) 200 word (this not an essay,

Chapter 1 of our text defines long-term English learners (LTELs) as ” learners who have been enrolled for more than six years and are not making substantial academic progress” (Piper, 2015). Using information introduced in Chapter 1 and the Menken and Kleyn (2009) article, “The Difficult Road for Long-Term English Learners”, address the following:

  1. Describe the characteristics of an LTEL.
  2. Provide suggestions on how teachers can address the challenges of LTELs to move them to a proficient level of English learning.
  3. Share your opinion on how much accountability should be placed on administrators, teachers, students, and parents respectively. 

Refer to and properly cite the sources from which you are basing your position.


As you learn more about English language learners, you’ll discover one particular sub-group which provides its own unique challenges: long termers.  Many were actually born in the United States, but are still “in program.”  Why is this so?  What can teachers do about these students?  What affect does this status have on these ELLs?  “One dismal statistic that has emerged from examining the characteristics of LTELs in New York City schools found that the average grade for this group of students was 69.20 percent. This type of feedback begins to slowly wear away at a student’s motivation and desire to learn” (Syrja, 2011, p.17).  Have you heard of effort optimism?  Feel free to discuss in a reply to these tips!

Here is the scoring rubric for this discussion posting:

Week 1: DQ2: Long-Term English Learners ______/4
Describe the characteristics of an (LTEL).   _____/1
Provide 3 suggestions on how teachers can address the challenges of (LTELs) to move them to a proficient level of English learning. Be sure to discuss specific challenges. ______/1
How much accountability should be placed on administrators, teachers, students, and parents?  Be sure to discuss each and one strategy or idea for each to use. _____/.8
Cite the course text at least once in your writing.  Check for accurate APA citing, grammar/spelling _____/.4
Respond to 2 peers’ postings with quality responses: 1____ 2_____ ____/.8
Check out the Discussion Forum rubric tab to help guide your writing style  
To cite at the end of your post:
Syrja, R.C. (2011). How to reach and teach English language learners: Practical strategies to ensure success. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
To cite in your post: (example)
Syrja states, “At a time when the number of English language learners (ELLs) in classrooms is increasing dramatically, we are in desperate need of research into what works specifically with these students”

(2011, p.5).  

Be sure to respond to 2 peers.  Think about Bloom’s Taxonomy.  How can you help your classmates operate at a higher level of understanding?
Syrja, R.C. (2011). How to reach and teach English language learners: Practical strategies to ensure success. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.


Menken, K., & Kleyn, T. (2009, April). The difficult road for long-term English learners.Supporting English Language Learners. Retrieved from http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational_leadership/apr09/vol66/num07/The_Difficult_Road_for_Long-Term_English_Learners.aspx

Piper, T. (2015). Language, learning, and culture: English language learning in today’s schools. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.


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