Linux ubuntu assignment | Computer Science homework help

 Problem Statement DOMAIN: Linux Fundamentals Focus: Development Tom needs to create user accounts for new joiners Jane and Jack in his system and give them permission to view and edit common repositories. He needs to create a cron job to delete empty files and directory every day at 00:00 am and need to upgrade the system every week on Tuesday 6:00 am. As part of his role he also needs to monitor system usage (CPU load, Memory usage, disk usage, network usage, active logged in users). He needs to install Git as SCM in a remote system and put system usage data there. He would need to fetch the data on remote server and needs to maintain the remote server from his desktop as well. He also needs to restrict users to access youtube from this machine. Approach to Solve: 1. Tom creates user accounts for Jane and Jack in his system. 2. Separate home directories are created for each of the three users. 3. They have a common repository script where every user has access to view and edit files. 4. Tom installed git as the SCM in a remote system. 5. He set a chron job to delete empty files and directory from /tmp folder at 00:00 am. 6. He set a chron job to upgrade the system every week on Tuesday 6:00 am. 7. Tom creates a script which has functionalities to display CPU load, Memory usage, disk usage, network usage, active logged in users. 8. He puts them in git repository. 9. He runs the scripts to get data for remote server to check and maintain the remote server from his desktop. 10. He restricts users to access youtube from this machine. 

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