Liability & risks | Law homework help


Background:  TLG has scheduled another meeting with the GC owners to further discuss the risks and liabilities of tort law.  This meeting will  focus specifically on product liability.

Winnie and Ralph asked you to participate in the GC meeting and to be prepared to discuss specific product liability risks related to GC’s use and resale of EPI cleaning products. 

Instructions:  To prepare, review product liability law, product liability claims, and parties who can be sued in product liability cases using the assigned materials and Instructor Notes. 

Write a summary report addressing the following questions to use as a basis for discussion in the GC meeting with TLG and to educate GC owners about potential risks and liabilities under product liability law. 

A.  Analyze and explain specifically how and why GC could face risks under product liability for use of EPI cleaning products to clean GC clients’ commercial property. 

B.  Analyze and explain specifically how and why GC could face risks under product liability for reselling EPI cleaning products directly to customers from its public place of business. 

Format Instructions:

Prepare the summary in a report, addressed to Winnie and Ralph, to be used in discussion with the GC owners.

The report should address the questions in the Instructions above.  Follow the format below.


TO:              Winnie James, Ralph Anders

FROM:         (your name)


RE:              Green Clean Product Liability




Write in correct, complete sentences in paragraph format.

Label all parts of assignment.

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