Key performance indicators in “artificial intelligence in mobile apps” | BA 634 Current & Emerging Technology | Campbellsville University


I need a preliminary report and a final paper on the topic of, Key Performance Indicators in “Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Apps”. The preliminary report can be of 3-4 pages. The only main requirement is it should match the final paper and should be written by following rules provided by the professor:

1) Research report topic area is to include a comparative analysis of at least 4 organizations that have either succeeded or failed. Success and failure should be measured according to factors that you establish and reasonably supported by the literature. 

 2) Paper is to have a title page, introduction, well defined literature review (body), findings, conclusion, and reference pages. The paper must be at least 2,500 words. 

3)  Utilize graphs, charts, tables or figures to enhance the point(s) you are making. 

4) Highlight the KPI (Key Performance Indicators) of the topic in the paper. Mainly how these KPI’s have determined the success or failure of the apps.

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