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Judaism Discussion

After studying Module 3: Lecture Materials & Resources, as well as reviewing the Judaism Resources page, discuss the following:

In your reading of Chapter 10 – Encountering Judaism: The Way of God’s People as well as the other readings for the week, you have gained a better understanding of central themes of Judaism. As you learned more about the religion, you may have noticed the many similarities that Judaism shares with Christianity as the relationship between the two religions rather unique. Christianity is rooted in Judaism historically, scripturally, liturgically, and even theologically. No two major world religions have so much in common. Below are a handful of the common elements shared by these two religions, however it is important to note that even though these religions share several common elements, they articulate them differently. Last week, we expounded upon how some of these themes are understood in the context of Catholicism and now you will describe how they are understood in Judaism.

Select two themes from the list below and present the Jewish teaching on the chosen theme.

Jewish Understanding of God




Pain and Suffering

Freedom and Free Will



Each selected theme must:

Be explained in at least one paragraph

Incorporate at least 2 direct quotations with accompanying in-text citations from either the required weekly readings or a resource found on the “Judaism Resources” page linked below. 

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 150 words. Incorporate 6 different sources, formatted and cited in Chicago-Turabian style,

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