Instructions: for this project, complete an economic analysis of



For this project, complete an economic analysis of the firm you selected. Include the following:

  • Behavior of the firm and the industry
  • Market structure
  • Global environment
  • Role of technology
  • Resource market the firm faces
  • Regulatory environment
  • Brief forecast of what you believe the next five years will look like for the firm

Select a firm about which an article has been published within 60 days prior to the term. This article will serve as the starting point for your analysis.

Use the concepts and tools you have learned in this course to perform the analysis.

  • Your paper should be 8 pages in length.
  • Include a cover page denoting the paper title, your name, the course number and course name, your instructor’s name, and the date you are making the submission.
  • Include an outline or table of contents.
  • At least 4 sources in APA format
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