Implicit bias research | Psychology homework help

How does your source, “Long-term Reduction in Implicit Race Bias,” conform to the ethical guidelines of psychology?

Some sources will specifically detail what was done to conform to ethical guidelines. In one or two sentences, explain what was (or wasn’t) specifically done to accomplish the above. Note: Remember to cite your sources by typing #cite.

Many sources imply compliance with ethical guidelines rather than spelling it out verbatim. In one or two sentences, describe what was (or wasn’t) implied or assumed in this source regarding compliance with ethical guidelines. Include in-text and parenthetical citations as appropriate.

How does your source, “Science Faculty’s Subtle Gender Biases Favor Male Students,” conform to the ethical guidelines of psychology?

In one or two sentences, explain what was (or wasn’t) specifically done to accomplish the above. Note: Remember to cite your sources by typing #cite.


In one or two more sentences, describe what was (or wasn’t) implied or assumed in this source regarding compliance with ethical guidelines. Note: Remember to cite your sources by typing #cite.

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