Ids-400-q5222 diversity | Human Resource Management homework help

 1-1 Discussion: Encounters in Diversity Case Studies          
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Welcome to IDS 400! First, take a moment to share a little bit about yourself with the rest of the class, such as your name, where you’re from, and your major. Then, review this module’s readings from The Matrix Reader. In your initial post, address the following:

  • In your own words, define the term diversity and discuss how it is utilized or impacts your daily life.
  • What is the influence of diversity on your chosen field of study or future profession? How can you utilize your understanding of diversity in your professional career?
  • Describe how diversity and social identity are intertwined.
  • How does the intersection between diversity and social identity play out in the matrix of domination?

In responding to your peers, provide feedback about their definition of diversity. Compare and contrast your answers.

  • What are the similarities and differences and between your peer’s response and yours? 
  • How does your peer’s definition enhance your understanding of the theory of the matrix of domination?

Make sure you support your response with the readings from this module and additional resources.

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