Homework #3 | Architecture and Design homework help

Homework #3

Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) Videos

  1. Log into Gateways
  2. On the main page (where the Ebook, Inquisitive, StudySpace and Panaromas
    options are located)

a. Click on the Museum of Modern Art: “In the Museum Videos”.

  1. Locate Pablo Picasso: Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 6:38
  2. Locate Vincent van Gogh: Starry Night 10:23
  3. Watch both videos and answer all 10 questions correctly to receive full credit for
    the assignment.

A) Pablo Picasso, “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”

  1. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon broke with artistic convention and was the first known work in the history of art to…?
  2. The pulling back of the curtain in Les Demoiselles d’Avignon gives the painting what kind of feel?
  3. The sources of inspiration for Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon were various. What inspired the two ladies on the far right of the painting?
  4. Which Spanish artist may have influenced the elongated figures of the ladies in Pablo Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon?
  5. Which other artist was Pablo Picasso’s cohort in creating the Cubist style?

B) Vincent van Gogh, “Starry Night”

  1. The Starry Night shows Vincent van Gogh’s use of a type of thickly encrusted paint application, known as…? (Hint: NOT Impasto).
  2. In which art movement do we categorize the works of Vincent van Gogh?
  3. Van Gogh’s composition for The Starry Night is similar to some seventeenth-
    century Dutch paintings in what ways?
  4. Vincent van Gogh was influenced by what type of Japanese artworks?
  5. Vincent van Gogh associated both the stars that fill the sky and the cypress trees in The Starry Night with what?
  6. Which Japanese woodblock print gave Van Gogh the idea for the sky in Starry Night?
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