Hn370-j-services to children and families


Need by 22 May 2016 by 2300hrs in at least 200-300 words


The Journal is a time for you to reflect on the content of the unit. It is an informal and viewable to yourself and your instructor. You can access the Journal on the blue menu bar at the top of the page.


Review the following video “Child Welfare: Past, Present, and Future”


The PBS video “Child Welfare: Past, Present, and Future” discusses the high turnover rate in Child Protection Services (CPS). One major cause of the high turnover rate is the client to worker ratio. There are not enough workers to address the influx of cases coming through CPS, particularly with the decrease of funding to the agency.


Answer the following:


  • Identify 4 reasons for the high turnover rate and the lack of workers affect the families we work with in CPS.

  • Describe the ways this could have an impact on the rapport building stage of the client/worker relationship.


You may use the following reference: Crosson-Tower, Cynthia. Exploring Child Welfare: A Practice Perspective, Vitalsource for Kaplan University, 6th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2013. VitalSource Bookshelf Online.


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