Helen in the odyssey vs the illiad


When we are first introduced to Menelaus and Helen in The Iliad, Helen’s betrayal of her husband causes a war between the Greeks and Trojans. To this day, Helen continues to be remembered as a harlot and a temptress, but when we meet her in The Odyssey, she has returned to Menelaus. Compare and contrast the Helen you meet in The Iliad with the Helen you meet in The Odyssey, being careful to consider your opinion of her last week with what you think of her now. Has Helen changed, and if so, how? Do you think authors have been fair or unfair with their representation of her? Why/why not? Be sure to use specific examples and/or quotations from the text.



  • Your initial response should be at least 1,000 words in length
  • Use MLA format for any quotations or citations that you use to support your answer
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