Freud’s view was that normal sexual behavior in adults could develop

Assignment 4

In this assignment you are being asked to address the following question: Freud’s view was that normal sexual behavior in adults could develop only if many aspects of the child’s “polymorphously perverse” sexual predispositions were repressed. First, explain this statement in at least ¾ page and use concrete examples. Be sure to define within what “polymorphously perverse” means. Second, provide some alternative theoretical perspective on how else the development of healthy adult sexuality can be explained. 

Use at least 3 sources (not including anything from your textbook or the Personality Reader). Remember, sources are not the same thing as resources. 

Sources are academically credible journal articles or primary source books (not textbooks). 

Resources are things like textbooks, Wikipedia, web pages, and magazine and newspaper articles.  In this class, expect to use academically credible sources and to lose points when you use resources instead of sources. 

Make your submission at least 2 ½   to 3 pages total (not including title page or reference page), typed, double spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Include a title page and reference page, both in APA format (as the entire submission should be).

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