Foucsed | Nursing homework help

1. Focused Reflection (30 points)  

Objective: To reflect on the interprofessional roles (MD, SW, OT, PT, RT, RD, PharmD) you saw on the unit and describe communication between them and the nurse. 

· List all of the different providers that were involved in your patient’s care. What was the focus of each of these providers in the patient’s care? What was your nursing focus on the patient’s care? Be specific and give examples. 

· How did you or the nurse communicate with each different provider? How did each provider communicate with the nurse? Be specific and give examples. 

· What did you see done well and what would you improve? What would you specifically do to improve it?

The reflection should be 2-3 pages, but not longer than 3 pages. Use Times New Roman 12 point font, 1-inch margins, and double spacing to format your paper. The reflection does not need a title page or references. See syllabus for late assignment point deductions.

Focused Reflection rubric



Length and Mechanics

Does not meet page requirement.

One formatting error. Multiple spelling/grammar errors. Point is not understandable.  

3 pages typed.

Double spaced.

TNR 12 pt font.

1 inch margins.

Minor spelling/ grammar   errors, but point is understandable






Listed providers and their focus vs. nursing focus. Was specific and gave examples.

Does not address.

Needs improvement.

Mostly complete.

Above average.

Completely addresses.






Described nurse to   provider and provider to nurse communication. Was specific and gave examples. 

Does not address.

Needs improvement.

Mostly complete.

Above   average.

Completely   addresses.

Described what was done well and what to improve. Gave specific suggestions on their improvements.

Does not address.

Needs improvement.

Mostly complete.

Above average.

Completely addresses.

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