For a literature review of a capstone project i need to find 45


What I need for this task: For the literature review of the project, I need to find 45 original articles/journals related to my capstone project. Articles to be obtained from databases like Cinhal, Pubmed, Cochrane, Eric, Gale, Medline, Embase, ETC. Articles have to be original and less than 3 years old.

I need either the PDF of the article, or the full title and database found so I can retrieve them. 

I’m guessing for the keyword search: 

(older adults OR elderly OR seniors OR geriatrics OR aged) AND (Quality of life OR well-being OR wellbeing OR HRQoL OR HRQL OR qol)  AND (oral health OR oral hygiene OR dental health OR oral health education OR oral health promotion OR oral health behavior OR oral exercise OR mouth exercise OR oral self‐care OR toothbrushing). 

Or Secondary searches using the mouth hygiene, health program, and dental health and oral health as free text terms, respectively. 

Some of the background on the project I will be working on:

My field of study is nursing.

I’m working on a Capstone /practice change project focusing on improving oral health in older adults. Quality oral health improves overall health among the elder. TITLE MOST LIKELY BE “Oral health promotion to improve the quality of life in older adults living independently”. As a reference, the theoretical framework to be used in this project will be the health belief model.

The purpose of this practice change project is to evaluate the effect on the oral health of a four weeks oral health education program among older adults living independently in an adult living facility in Miami, Florida.

The Possible PICOT that I will be using:  What is the effect on oral health(O), before and after, (C) a four weeks (T) oral health education program (I) among older adults living independently in an adult living facility in Miami, Florida (P)?

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