Facebook dilemma | Marketing homework help

**Part One

With the rise and growing dependence on social media, there come consequences. The Facebook Dilemma explores how social media is reprogramming society, which could impact privacy, the way we think, act and live our lives. 

Instructions: Please watch the FRONTLINE “The Facebook Dilemma.” 

• Part One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T48KFiHwexM&feature=youtu.be 

• Part Two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuA4qxPbpQE Draft a two-page paper which includes the following:

 • Relating the central themes of the movie to social media marketing. 

• The influence it has on buying decisions.

 • How marketers are benefiting from it. Requirements:

 • Submit a Word document in APA format. 

• Two pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages. 

• At least two unique high-quality references.

**Part Two

Analyzing social media trends and traffic has emerged as the surest route to capturing more leads and enjoying stronger sales. 

For example, Instagram’s referral traffic has sky-rocketed between Q1 2018 and Q1 2019 as the popular social media site becomes more important for website traffic

Business Scenario 

Austin is a freelance graphic designer hired by Hootsuite to create a PowerPoint slide deck designed to be used by Hootsuite’s sales team. The team will use the deck in upcoming sales presentations as they meet with prospective new customers. 

Austin will design the slides but he needs you to supply the rationale and justification to convince a prospective Hootsuite customer why it is imperative to track web traffic. Specifically, Austin will design the slide deck based on your information/research regarding:


  1. What are the various sources of web traffic including current trends?
  2. How can a brand analyze these sources of traffic to better align its strategies to fit the characteristics of its target segments?
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