Ethical dilema question | Social Science homework help

Discussion Question
Week 1 DQ 2 – Ethical Dilemmas

Due Week 1 Day 5: Saturday


In the reading for this week, several ethical dilemmas were presented. One of them describes a situation where a terminally ill older client, suffering with associated chronic and debilitating pain, divulges her plan (to the therapist) to end her life through assisted suicide. In this situation, the therapist might be conflicted by his/her own beliefs about assisted suicide, the agony suffered by his/her client, and ethical/legal responsibility.

  • Can you think of at least two other examples where personal values might conflict with ethical responsibility?
  • How would you resolve these dilemmas?

Please post your response in the Main Forum as a thread to this post. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words.

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