Essay – research project | English homework help


Need the essay written in the template attached AND also need answer for each of the question mentioned below in separate question with section headers.


Deadline is Nov-4th 2010

payment: 25$


Write a 5-7 page paper in which you:

Q1.     Describe the company’s overall people management strategy. Thoroughly described the  company’s overall people management strategy.:àWeight: 15%



Q2.     Discuss its approach to employee rewards and motivation.Thoroughly discussed its approach to employee rewards and motivation.  .:àWeight: 15%



       Q3. Evaluate the company’s culture. (Which aspects do you find most appealing and which concern

you?) Thoroughly evaluated the company’s culture. .:àWeight: 20%


      Q4. Analyze the company’s ability to attract and retain employees. (What competitive advantages

does the company have and what are its greatest disadvantages?) Thoroughly analyzed the company’s ability to attract and retain  employees. Weight: 25%


    Q 5. Make recommendations for strengthening the company’s workforce strategy. (What would you do differently, how would you do it, and why?) Thoroughly made recommendations for strengthening the company’s workforce strategy. .:àWeight: 25%


Note: Clarity, writing mechanics, and  formatting requirementsà Weight: 10%


Your assignment should adhere to these guidelines:

• Write in a logical, well-organized conventional business style. Use Times New Roman font size

12 or similar, double space, and leave ample white space per page.


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